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There are five kinds of liberation - sālokya, sāmīpya, sārūpya, sārṣṭi and sāyujya

Sālokya means that after material liberation one is promoted to the planet where the Supreme Personality of Godhead resides, sāmīpya means remaining an associate of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, sārūpya means attaining a four-handed form exactly like that of the Lord., sārṣṭi means attaining opulences like those of the Supreme Lord, and sāyujya means merging into the Brahman effulgence of the Lord. These are the five types of liberation.

This Janmashtami, Get Lots of Blessings!

Vamana Purana

On building a temple of Sri Madhava one can attain the eternal Vaikuntha-loka. One who offers a garden laden with fruits and flowers will attain heavenly pleasures.

Skanda Purana

Just by starting the construction of a temple for Lord Krishna, sins committed in seven births will be wiped out and one will deliver his forefathers who are suffering in the hellish planets.

Vamana Purana

Whoever constructs, or helps to construct, a Vishnu temple will protect eight generations of fathers, grandfathers and forefathers from falling into hell.

Sri Narasimha Kavacha Stotra

The Narasimha Kavacha Stotra is a powerful mantra from the Brahmanda Purana, formerly spoken by Prahlada Maharaja. It is said that one who chants this mantra is bestowed with all opulence and will be elevated to the heavenly planets. One should first meditate on the transcendental form of Lord Narasimha (as described in verses 3 to 6 of the stotra) and pray to Him for protection. The Narasimha Kavacha Stotra is the king of all mantras (mantra-raja).

Returning after Laxmi

Most of the times, we are running after money (dhan ). Money is what makes the world go round, or so it appears. Many a times, this appears to be true. Money enables us to buy goods and services, food, clothing and other basic necessities of life, possessions, home, car, luxuries, etc; Since Laxmi is the goddess of wealth, we worship her to bless us with her favour and benediction.

The Kingdom of God

Freedom from painful impediments

In Kingdom of God, there is no hunger, thirst, birth and death, old age, disease, etc. Thus without these sufferings that draw our consciousness in the material world, keeping us absorbed in sorting out problems of life in material world, one can simply focus on service to Supreme Lord without any impediments.