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Krishna Cares For Each Chanter

Ratha Yatra by Prabhupada

Sometimes when we chant, we might ask ourselves: 

Is Krishna hearing me? Is He interested that I—one of the many, many, many, many people who chant His Names — am also chanting His Name? How does the Lord feel about me chanting?”

A very good answer to this question is given in the sixth canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam where Lord Vishnu describes what He feels when Narayana’s Name, His name, is chanted by Ajamila. He says: 

“This person chanted my name and therefore he is Mine; he belongs to Me. It is My duty to take care of him!”

This is something which is very, very nice to understand. The Lord is attentive to each single chanter. I once heard that He keeps a list of names in His heart of those who chant His Holy Names. So, the Lord is there appreciating me chanting. The Lord is valuing my chanting and He is ready to respond 

Srila Jiva Goswami finishes his Bhakti Sandarbhas with a very nice meditation upon Sri Sri Radha and Krishna, whose lotus feet, he says “… Are everything to me! The Divine couple are my Gurus, my scripture—They are the goal of my service and I have faith in Them! And I see Them before me in a particular way: Their lotus eyes are always bathed with streams of compassion, and They are the shelter of those who have no shelter.”

Ask yourself when you chant, “Where is my shelter?” Not “Where do I find temporary relief?” but “Where is my shelter?” And you will come to the conclusion that the shelter is Krishna, and that He cares for everyone who chants His Holy Name!

'Japa Inspirations' by Sacinandana Swami