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ISKCON Seshadripuram
Purusha avatarasLila avatarasGuna avatarasManvantara avatarasYuga avatarasShaktyavesha avataras(1) Purusha avataras - Krishna first incarnates as the three purusha avataras namely: Karanodakashayi… read more
The Hindu Ratna Award is a prestigious recognition given to individuals who have made significant contributions to the Hindu community, promoting its values, culture, and spiritual teachings. It… read more
The Grihastha Ashram is the second of the four stages (ashramas) in a Hindu's life. It's also known as the householder stage. Here's a brief overview:What is Grihastha Ashram?Meaning: The word "… read more
Hare Krishna 🙏🏼As all of you are aware, we were having the ISKCON Bhakti Sadan Program every Sunday and important festivals like Sri Krishna  Janmastami  at Sri Sita Rama Kapieshwara Anjaneya Temple… read more
The 108 Divya Desam, or the 108 Divine Abodes, are a sacred group of 108 Vishnu temples revered in the Hindu tradition. These hallowed shrines, scattered across the Indian subcontinent, are believed… read more
The Six Favorable Principles1. BEING ENTHUSIASTICEvery endeavor in Krsna consciousness is performed with intelligence. The devotees are expert in engaging everything in Krsna's service. The practice… read more