His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Goswami Prabhupada(LION GURU) appeared in Sri Ksetra Dhama.(Jagannatha Puri) on 6 February 1874 as the son of Srila Sacidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura. In his childhood he quickly mastered the Vedas, memorized the Bhagavad-gita, and relished his father's philosophical works. He became known as "The Living Encyclopedia" for his vast knowledge. He was born as Bimala Prasad which means Jagannath Prasad.

Bhaktisiddhntha Saraswati Thakur, was a very dynamic preacher. He he had to mix with some Kings and Lord’s, he wore a long coat, and when he had to mix with the Babajis in Radhakunda he would go barefoot and just wear the skimpy clothes of a Sanyasi. His English was very pristine. In fact many people would find it difficult to read his English, he was such an erudite scholar. So In different circumstance he could preach in different ways. He established the Gaudiya Math in various places throughout India. The Gaudiya Math is reaching its 100th anniversary soon.
So he told to A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, that time he was a Grihastha, he said to him that if he would preach in the West, it will be very spiritually good for him and for all those who will help him. Bhaktisiddhantha Saraswati Thakur announced two to three years before his departure that one of my disciples will go to the Western world and preach and people from the Western in the world will come and participate in the Nabadwip parikrama and there will be people who will participate in the Nabadwip parikrama from all over the world, and there will be chanting together, “Jay Sachinandana, Jay Sachinandana”, and they will be embracing their Indian brothers, and they will be no prejudice regarding caste, colour, creed. That was 1912 maybe.
Bhakti Siddhantha Saraswati Thakur, he sometimes would say, “What kind of Bhakta is this who simply wants to chant and does not want to deliver the fallen souls?”
It is an auspicious start for the rest of the year, and we encourage devotees reading this to kindly consider donating on this day.
Festival Schedule
- 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM - Kirtan
- 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM - Guru Vandana & Bhajan
- 11:30 AM to 12:15 PM - Glories of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur
- 12:15 PM to 01:30 PM - Pushpanjali & Aarti
- 01:30 PM - Maha Prasadam
For the scheduled event date please check the Vaishnava calendar.