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Lord Vishnu

What is Caturmasya Vrata? 
Catur means Four, Masya means Month, and vrata means Austerity. Caturmasya Vrat is observed for a period of 4 Holy Months and it begins from the day after Deva Sayana Ekadashi in Ashada Month (June – July) and ends on Uthana Ekadashi in Kartik Month (October  – November). Some Vaishnavas also observe this from the Full Moon day of Ashada until the full moon day of Kartika. That is a period of 4 Months of Caturmasya.

It is Believe that Lord Vishnu falls asleep in the Kshir Sagar (the ocean of Milk) on Shesh Naga (Ananta sesha). Hence the day is called Sayana Ekadashi. He awakens from his deep sleep after four holy months on Uthana Ekadashi which comes in the month of Kartik.

CaturmasyaFasting from
First monthFasting from Shak, green leafy vegetables for one month
Second MonthFasting from yogurt for one month
Third monthFasting from milk for one month
Fourth monthFasting from Urad dahl for one month(Karthik Month)

Caturmasya - Vrat' is observed by all - Karmis, Gyanis, Yogis and Bhaktas for the attainment of their respective ends. It is a kind of penance. But there is a difference in the mode of sadhan, as the ends of Karmis, Gyanis, Yogis and Bhaktas are different. The ultimate goal of Bhaktas is the get love for Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna (Krishna-prem).

Supreme Lord Sri Caitanya, and our Acharyas observed Caturmasya vrat only to teach us that we should also observe this Vrat.

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu observed Caturmasya Vrat at Purushottam Dham by spending the whole time with Sri Krishna-katha.

Listening and chanting of the Holy Name, Form, Attributes and Pastimes of Sri Krishna should be mainly performed. Alongwith this we should also observe exoteric rules an enjoined in the scriptures as far as practicable.

Srila Prabhupada states in the Shri Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya lila 4.169 purport:

"The Caturmasya period begins in the month of Asadha (June-July) from the day of Ekadasi called Sayana-ekadasi, in the fortnight of the waxing moon. The period ends in the month of Kartika (October-November) on the Ekadasi day known as Utthana-ekadasi, in the fortnight of the waxing moon.

This four-month period is known as Caturmasya. Some Vaisnavas also observe it from the full-moon day of Asadha until the full-moon day of Kartika. That is also a period of four months. This period, calculated by the lunar months, is called Caturmasya, but others also observe Caturmasya according to the solar month from Sravana to Kartika."

"Caturmasya should be observed by all sections of the population. It does not matter whether one is a grhastha or a sannyasi. The observance is obligatory for all asramas. The real purpose behind the vow taken during these four months is to minimize the quantity of sense gratification. This is not very difficult.

In the month of Sravana one should not eat spinach, in the month of Bhadra one should not eat yogurt, and in the month of Asvina one should not drink milk. One should not eat fish or other nonvegetarian food during the month of Kartika. On the whole, during the four-month period of Caturmasya one should practice giving up all food intended for sense enjoyment."

Vishnu Rahasya - Lord Brahma to Narada Muni.

If one accepts all these Vaisnava austerities and observances with devotion, one attains the supreme destination O Narada. One who desires within himself to execute all these Vaisnava austerities and vows, his sins obtained within one hundred births is destroyed. If one is exclusively devoted, peaceful, takes daily bath, is fixed in vow and worships the Lord during these four months, he goes to the abode of the Lord. He who accepts the austerity of sleeping on the ground this time when the Vishnu Deity is sleeping in yoga nidra underwater, he goes to the abode of Laxmi.

Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita. Madhya-lila 4.169. purport

"One should carefully give up attachment for material assets. People in general have spontaneous attachment for house, household paraphernalia, clothes, ornaments, wealth, wife and children's health, their own health, eatables, trees, and animals. Some people are so addicted to smoking, chewing pan, eating fish and meat, and drinking alcohol that their practice of spiritual life is obstructed.

The procedure for giving up grief is explained in the Padma Purama:

sokamarsadibhir bhavair akrantam yasya manasam   
katham tasya mukundasya sphurttih sambhavana bhavet(8)

Within the heart of one who is full of anger or pride, or lamentation on the state of his wife or sons, there is no possibility of Krsna and Gauranga being manifest.

For the scheduled event date please check the vaishnava calendar.