On Gopashtami day, Nanda Maharaja performed a ceremony for the cows and Krishna (and His friends) in Vrindavan, as He reached the pauganda age. This was the day Nanda Maharaja sent his children Krishna and Balarama to herd the cows for the first time. It was a celebration meant only for men and boys. As Srimati Radharani and Her friends wanted to enjoy the fun, and because of Her resemblance to Subala-sakha, She put on his dhoti and garments and joined Krishna. The other gopis joined in too.
How Gopastami is celebrated
suklastami karttike tu
smrta gopastami budhaih
tad-dinad vasudevo ‘bhud
gopah purvam tu vatsapah
“The eighth lunar day of the bright fortnight of the month of Kartik is known by authorities as Gopastami. From that day, Lord Vasudeva served as a cowherd, whereas previously He had tended the calves.” - Srimad Bhagavatam 10.15.1, translation

On this auspicious day, people worship cows. They offer fodder to cows. On Kartik month’s Shukla Ashtami tithi early morning people bathe cows, offer them flowers, and scents and decorate them with different clothes.
People feed fodder to cows and do parikrama, and then go after cows for some distance. Then in the evening when cows come back that time is known as godhuli muhurat. At that time also they are greeted and worshipped. After this, they touch their lotus feet and pray for their healthy and prosperous future. The charity is given in gaushala on this day.
In Srimad Bhagawatam, it is stated that lord Shri Krishna used to walk barefooted at the age of six keeping cows ahead. At that time even his footsteps were not properly developed. Krishna gets delighted when the foot dust of cows falls on him.
Krishna used to walk barefooted in dust leaving footprints of his lotus feet everywhere. This is the reason for the dazzling beauty of Vrindavan.
Krishna’s affection towards Cows
It is said that Nanda maharaja had 9 lakh cows and lord Shri Krishna was aware of their names. All the cows were identified by their names. If any cow gets separated from the group then Krishna calls them back with their names. Due to this affection, Krishna is also known as Gopal or Govind.
Reason for the importance of cows
Krishna was fond of cows. He used to apply gauraj tilak on his forehead. He showed his affection for gau seva through his words and pastime to people. In this way, Krishna and Balrama are the symbols of cow protection. In Hindu, culture cows are not considered an ordinary animals. Cows are considered mothers. It is said that by drinking cow’s milk our brain works more actively and we can analyse our shastra easily. In shastra, it is said that inside cows 33 thousand gods and goddesses exist. The cow is the symbol of our prosperity.
Objective of Gopastami
The main aim of Gopastami is to protect cows and provide service for their sewa. We should always try to provide a safe, loving and caring environment to cows as they are the favourite Krishna. It is said that in places where cow seva is done Lord Hari uses it to provide infinite grace. We are dependent on cows’ blessings. We should always provide service and take care of cows. Cows expand prosperity and establish spirituality in the surrounding. Whether we live in cities or villages consuming the milk of desi cow and using other dairy products made of it also contributes to the seva of cows. By doing so we are playing an important role in the country’s economy.
So on this auspicious day of Gopastami, let’s provide some service for the protection of cows. We can try to offer them a loving and protective environment. In this way, we can surely impress our Lord Krishna and get the lord’s blessings.
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For the scheduled event date please check the Vaishnava calendar.