Gaura Purnima is the auspicious appearance day of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (who is also known as Gauranga due to His golden complexion). The Supreme Lord Sri Krishna appeared as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to establish Sankirtana (chanting of the Holy Names) – the Yuga Dharma for this age of Kali. He appeared on Phalguni Purnima, the full moon day in the month of Phalguna, (Feb-March) in the year 1486 AD (1407 Shakabda) at Sridham Mayapura as the son of Sri Jagannath Mishra and Srimati Sachidevi. His parents named him Nimai since he was born under a nimba (neem) tree in the courtyard of His paternal house. His appearance day is celebrated as Gaura Purnima.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Lord Caitanya appeared first in the heart of Jagannath Misra and transferred to the heart of mother Saci. Then, He entered the womb of mother Saci. Caitanyadeva stayed for 13 months in the womb of mother Saci, Generally, after 10 months, the birth takes place. Nilambara Cakravarty, the father of mother Saci, was a renowned astrologer. They asked him why was there such a delay? In this age, if there is a slight delay in delivering, they immediately do caesarian! That time there was no such caesarian. Nilambara Cakravarty said, no, the delivery will take place at the right time, no need to worry! On this Purnima day, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared! When He appeared, He appeared as a golden colored boy and Jagannath Misra was overjoyed! That is why the following day, tomorrow, there would be a feast. Many demigoddesses came at this time to take darshan of Caitanyadeva, this avatar of Krsna in Kali yuga, they came from the heavenly planets, in the disguise as brahmanis to see Sri Caitanyadeva. Mother Saci had no idea where these brahmanis were coming from.
To spread the message of Lord Gauranga is very vital for us. On this day, Gauranga came down from Goloka Vrndavana. The external reason was that Advaita Gosain prayed to the Lord, by praying to Shaligram shila and offering Tulasi manjaris and He was chanting loudly and crying, He wished that Krsna should come and give Prema Bhakti. There is a song we sing on the adivas of kirtan, and we say, anander sima nai, anander sima nai, niraananda dure jai, niraananda dure jai. The Lord has given us Harinam and there is no limit to the bliss. How much bliss is there in the names of Lord Krsna, there is no limit! You can experience Krsna bhakti, by chanting the names of Lord Hari, and there is no limit to this bliss. But generally people have no attraction to the holy name, that is why there is unhappiness. Caitanyadeva came so that everyone could get Krsna Prema! That everyone chants the name of Krsna! And He did not appear just for the Bengalis or just for the Indian people, He appeared for the liberation of the whole universe! That is why His name is Viswambara, He takes the weight of the whole universe on Himself.
Festival Schedule
13th March(Thursday)
- 08:00 AM - Gaura Lila Part 1
- 10:30 AM - Kirtan & Guru puja
- 11:30 AM - SB class on Gaura Katha
- 01:00 PM - Aarti
- 01:30 PM - Lunch Prasadam
Adivas Function
- 06:00 PM - Kirtan
- 07:00 PM - Adivas ceremony
- 07:45 PM - Gaura Katha in Hindi
14th March(Friday) - Fasting till Moonrise
- 08:00 AM - Gaura Lila Part 2
- 03:00 PM to 04:15 PM - Gaura Lila Part 3
- 04:30 PM to 06:30 PM - Abhishekam
- 06:30 PM to 07:00 PM - Culturals
- 07:15 PM - Maha Arati
Festival Sponsorship
Seva | Donation | # Donate |
Abhishekam Seva | 1,008/- | CLICK HERE TO DONATE |
Yajna Seva(Per family) | 2,008/- | CLICK HERE TO DONATE |
Aadivas Seva | 2,008/- | CLICK HERE TO DONATE |
Deity Garland Seva | 5,000/- | CLICK HERE TO DONATE |
Sri Sri Nitai Chaitanya Seva | 5,000/- | CLICK HERE TO DONATE |
Chappan(56) Bhog Seva | 10,000/- | CLICK HERE TO DONATE |
Alter Decor Seva | 10,000/- | CLICK HERE TO DONATE |
Abhishekam item Seva | 12,000/- | CLICK HERE TO DONATE |
Deity Jewellery Seva | 15,000/- | CLICK HERE TO DONATE |
Temple Decoration Seva | 30,000/- | CLICK HERE TO DONATE |
Prasadam Seva | 75,000/- | CLICK HERE TO DONATE |
Deity Dress Seva | 1,00,800/- | CLICK HERE TO DONATE |
Mukhya Yajama Seva | 2,00,000/- | CLICK HERE TO DONATE |
* Partial sponsorship available
For the scheduled event date please check the Vaishnava calendar.