Mohini Ekadasi vrata, also known as Vaisakha-sukla Ekadasi, is observed in the auspicious Vedic month of Vaishakha. It is one of the most important of the 24 Ekadashi vratas and is observed on the… read more
Varuthini Ekadasi falls in the dark fortnight (Krishna paksha) of the month of Vaisakha. On the day of Varuthini Ekadasi, devotees worship and offer prayers to Lord Vamana the incarnation of Lord… read more
Ekadasi is the 11th day of the Moon’s lunar phase, and Kamada Ekadasi falls on the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase) in the month of the Chaitra (March-April). This day is also called ‘Chaitra Shukla… read more
Papamocani Ekadasi falls on the 11th day of the Krishna Paksha (the waning phase of moon) in the month of Chaitra as per the North Indian calendar. However, in the South Indian calendar this Ekadasi… read more
Amalaki-vrata Ekadasi is celebrated in Krishna Paksha (Waxing Phase) in the Phalgun month (February–March). ‘Amalaki’ or ‘Amla’ is the Indian gooseberry, and the tree is celebrated on this day. It is… read more
According to the Vedic calendar, Vijaya Ekadasi falls on the 11th day of the month of Phalgun during the Krishna paksha (dark fortnight), waning phase of the Moon.The significance of Vijaya Ekadashi… read more