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Madhavas- The Rock Band

This article is based on an interview of the Madhavas rock band by the writer Premanjana Das(Pranjal Joshi).The purpose of interviewing Madhavas is to honor them for the valuable service they have been doing to spread the holy name of Shri Krishna using their talent of music in serving the Lord.Madhavas also serve as an icon for many devotees.This write-up is an attempt by the writer to bring out the facts and details of the Madhavas rock band for those who are interested in music and also for those who want to know more about the ways devotees are spreading Krishna consciousness.Madhavas p

Congregational Preaching

The Early Days

During the early days of the Hare Krishna movement, spiritual life was perceived as meaning to live in the temple as a full-time devotee. The word “devotee” referred to someone who was living in a temple and engaged in temple activities full time. Those who lived outside were referred to as “karmis”. That early phase of ISKCON was probably unavoidable. Srila Prabhupada had just started the movement in the West where practically no one had any idea about Krishna Consciousness or devotional service. Therefore, such commitment and involvement was essential.

Living Heroes

“Shoot him,” said the man with the crowbar. Kshudhi felt the cold metal against his skull and chanted Hare Krishna like never before. His nimble nineteenyear old body was tucked under the bed. The other four men with guns hesitated. They attacked the house knowing that a Johannesburg vegetable merchant had kept cash there, but were they ready to kill for it?

Advanced Civilization

The common understanding of an Advanced Civilization in today’s context is to be advanced in Technology, having a comfortable lifestyle, Earning Lots of money and having enough or rather lavish facilities to enjoy the senses to the fullest. This is the yard stick that is generally used to gauge the Advancement in Civilization. Owing to this yardstick Countries like United States of America, Great Britain etc are considered as First world Countries and more advanced in civilization then others.

Chanting Challenges

For humankind, the mind is the cause of bondage and the mind is the cause of liberation. The mind absorbed in sense objects is the cause of bondage, and the mind detached from sense objects is the cause of liberation. ~ Amrta Bindu Upanishad

One Way Ticket Back Home, Back To Godhead

After making Harinam Sankirtan every day on two minivans in the summer months of year 2011 in many countries across Europe, our Sri Harinam Mandir Traveling Temple program attracted lots of devotees with the desire to join us. For the purpose of allowing more devotees to participate in the performance of Yuga Dharma Sri Harinam Sankirtan, in July 2012, by the generous help of the devotee community, we bought a big yellow bus for further distribution of the unlimited nectar of the glories of the Supreme Lord Krishna.

Why not to hear from professional Bhagavatam reciters

Such speakers charge money from the organizers and innocent devotees. They have spoiled the whole essence of Bhagavat Dharma by such cheap propaganda. When Sukadeva Goswami spoke this divine message to Pariksit Maharaj and assembled sages, no money was charged. When Suta Goswami repeated it to Saunak rishi and sages no money was charged. But the professional reciters have spoiled the whole show and charm by their lustful agendas and charging lakhs of rupees in name of Bhagavatam hearing.

A Childhood Hero Revisited

Diary of a Traveling Monk – Volume 13, Chapter 3 – September 5, 2012

By Indradyumna Swami

As my flight landed in Skopje, Macedonia, I couldn’t hold back a smile when I saw that the airport was named after one of my childhood heroes, Alexander the Great. Like many other boys, I had been fascinated by the adventures of the young Alexander as he conquered much of Asia, even part of India.